The 2022 American superhero comedy film Secret Headquarters is directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Josh Koenigsberg and Christopher L. Yost. It is based on a tale by Yost. Walker Scobell, Jesse Williams, Keith L. Williams, Momona Tamada, Charles Melton, and Michael Pea are among the cast members. The story revolves around a young boy (Scobell) and his friends (K. L. Williams, Tamada), who start to wonder if his father (Owen Wilson) might be a superhero after finding a secret base in his basement.
The movie had its world premiere on August 8, 2022, at the Signature Theater in Arlington, Virginia, and was shown on Paramount in the US on August 12, 2022. Critics gave the movie mainly unfavorable reviews.
VFX Done by MPC