Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, or simply Jack Ryan, is an American political thriller spy web television series, based on characters from the fictional “Ryanverse” created by Tom Clancy, that premiered on Prime Video. The series was created by Carlton Cuse and Graham Roland.
Hybride’s talented team of having recently completed 66 seamless and hyper-realistic visual effects for the second season of the Jack Ryan series, broadcast on Amazon Prime Video since November 1st, 2019.
John Krasinski stars as CIA agent Jack Ryan, who, in this second season, heads to South America to investigate after tracking a potentially suspicious shipment of illegal arms in the Venezuelan jungle. Jack’s actions threaten to uncover a far-reaching conspiracy, leading him and his fellow operatives on a mission spanning the globe.
Once again, Hybride’s participation in the show translates into realistic set extensions and virtual environments, digital doubles for rioting crowds, and CG Blackhawk helicopters. Hybride artists also produced organic simulations, explosion, and ballistic effects, in addition to creating different types of virtual elements such as tear gas, flags, confetti, and helicopter landing dust clouds.
“You know your team did a great job when there are loads of visual effects, but you can’t detect them,” said François Lambert, VFX Supervisor at Hybride. “Once more, Hybride artists really stepped up to the plate for this show. The integrations are impeccable, and the CG environments and crowds helped the visual effects play an important part in the show’s narrative.”
Following the success of the political thriller’s season 1, which has been nominated in two categories at the 2019 Emmy Awards — including Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role — Amazon Studios have already announced that the John Krasinski-fronted Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan will be back for a third season. If we follow patterns from the first and second season, the shooting of the third season could take place in summer 2019 for broadcast in 2020.
Created by Carlton Cuse and Graham Roland, season 2 of the Jack Ryan series is a co-production with Paramount TV and Skydance TV. Executive producing with Cuse, Roland, and Krasinski are Platinum Dune’s Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller, and Cuse’s Genre Arts. Additionally, Lindsey Springer, Mace Neufeld, Vince Calandra, Andrew Bernstein, and Skydance’s David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Marcy Ross will also executive produce the second season, with Allyson Seeger as a co-executive producer.
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan Season 2 – Official Trailer