Terminator: Dark Fate is a 2019 American science fiction action film directed by Tim Miller, from a screenplay by David Goyer, Justin Rhodes, and Billy Ray, from a story by James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee, Josh Friedman, Goyer, and Rhodes. Cameron also produced the film alongside David Ellison.
VFX Done By Blur Studios, ILM, Scanline VFX, Method Studios worked on Visual Effects for Terminator: Dark Fate.
Produced by: James Cameron; David Ellison
Terminator Dark Fate – VFX Breakdown By Method Studios
Terminator Dark Fate VFX Breakdown by Blur Studio
Terminator Genisys VFX breakdown by MPC
MPC delivered more than 300 shots for Terminator: Genisys MPC’s work included recreating a ‘young Arnold’ T-800 digital character, Endoskeletons, an explosive battle at LAX, various CG set extensions and FX work.