SEE is an American science fiction drama television series produced for Apple TV+ and starring Jason Momoa and Alfre Woodard in leading roles. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia in the distant future where humanity’s descendants have lost their sense of sight, and the ability to see is considered a myth. The plot is set in motion by the birth of twin-sighted children in a mountain tribe.
SEE was created by director Francis Lawrence and writer Steven Knight. Anders Engström directed a majority of the episodes. It also stars Sylvia Hoeks, Hera Hilmar, Christian Camargo, Archie Madekwe, Nesta Cooper, and Yadira Guevara-Prip. Executive producers include Knight, Lawrence, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, and Kristen Campo.
The series premiered on November 1, 2019, with a second season premiering on August 27, 2021. The third and final season premiered on August 26, 2022, and concluded on October 14, 2022