The Dog
Human Ark Animation Studio created CG dog for Mirinda: The Dog Commercial.
Title: Mirinda The Dog
Client: PepsiCo Ru
Production House: Papaya Films
Agency: BBDO Warszawa
Director: Russell Bates
VFX Supervisor: Kamil Polak
CGI Supervisor: Szymon Kapeniak
Models / Textures Dog: Michał Kwolek,
Models / Textures Props: Michał Warchlewski
Rig: Kamil Salem
Animation 3D: Dawid Bunio, Rafał Schubert, Karol Chyliński, Kuba Mazur
Muscles: Dawid Bunio
Cloth simulation Dog: Omar Santos
Cloth simulation 2headed: Kamil Polak
Shading: Andrzej Majewski
Lightning / Render: Piotr Kolus, Omar Santos, Marek Netzel
Compositing: Arek Leszko, Sylwester Lipiński, Olga Michalska, Rafał Szyc
Production: Magdalena Grzesz, Aleksandra Stępień
Color correction, online, packshot animation: Televisor