In Lost In Space season two, the Robinsons continue their fight for deliverance to Alpha Centauri. The path is beset with danger, with malicious forces of the human, mechanical, and predatory variety all intent on keeping the family from their goal. Image Engine was called upon to leverage its 25 years of visual effects expertise, creating antagonist robots and alien fauna that would meet – and surpass – the thrill of those witnessed in season one.
Lost In Space debuted in 2018, launching onto televisions around the world with operatic scope, alien worlds, and imaginative CG characters that set a new standard for streamed sci-fi. Now, the second season has landed, and it ups the ante across every facet of the show’s drama. Image Engine, who supplied 266 shots for season one of the Robinson family’s adventures, returned once again to support those aspirations, ensuring that the ongoing saga of Maureen, John, Will, Judy, and Penny felt more gripping than ever.
Read on to learn how the studio leveraged its 25 years of expertise across digital creatures, environments, FX and more to create both robotic and organic adversaries that would meet – and surpass – the thrill of those witnessed in season one.
Image Engine’s work on Lost in Space: Season 2 in our case study