Halo is a military science fiction media franchise. The franchise is currently managed and developed by 343 Industries, and owned and published by Xbox Game Studios. Primarily taking place in the 26th century, the franchise centers on the conflict between humanity and a variety of alien species.
MPC helped bring the much-loved Halo video game to life for fans and new audiences across the world, via Paramount+’s new TV series adaptation, which was released on 24th March 2022. Dramatizing an epic 26th-century conflict between humanity and an alien threat known as the Covenant, Halo the series weaves personal stories with a large dose of action, adventure, and a richly imagined vision of the future. With over 400 shots across epic battle scenes to recreating key characters, we aligned with client production to capture the essence of the game whilst bringing the story fans of the game know so well, into a more realistic setting for viewers.