“Birds of Paradise” is an adaptation of the novel Bright Burning Stars by A.K. Small, a story about two dancers at an elite ballet academy in Paris who find their friendship tested when they compete for a contract to join the Opéra National de Paris.
Goodbye Kansas Studios was the primary VFX vendor for the production. The team was led by VFX Supervisor Jason M. Halverson and VFX Producer Paula Pope, in collaboration with Studio OMZ.
The effects included set extensions (transforming Budapest into Paris), visually stunning glitter effects for dance sequences, and innovative psychedelic effects for a “hallucinogenic trip” sequence. Above are a selection of the VFX shots.
The film premiered on Amazon Prime on September 24th, 2021.
Directed by Sarah Adina Smith
Production Companies: Anonymous Content; Everything is Everything
Distributor: Amazon
VFX Supervisor, Goodbye Kansas: Jason M. Halverson
VFX Producer, Goodbye Kansas: Paula Pope