xR (Extended Reality) is a next-generation process for film, broadcast and live event production. xR empowers production teams to deliver Augmented and Mixed Reality within studio environments. xR combines camera tracking and real-time rendering to create an immersive virtual environment, visible live on set and shot directly in camera. Using high resolution LED screens or projection surfaces in the space, MR allows actors to be immersed in a virtual environment. Camera tracking technology enables the content on these screens to be generated in real-time, rendered from the point of view of the camera.
The screens within the space only need to be as large as the performance area; virtual set extension places the actors in virtual environments that are much larger than the available studio environment.
xR allows the creation of multi-purpose studio environments. The entire setup can be applied to all types of programming with limitless visual aesthetic and any camera configuration. Powering the Next Generation of Live Content Production.