NY VFXWAALA was incorporated in May 2015, an idea initiated by Bollywood Superstar, Mr Ajay Devgn along with leading Indian VFX experts, Naveen Paul and Prasad Vasant Sutar. Within three years, the studio has won 14 awards for VFX including the 64th National Award for Shivaay and Asian Film Award (AFA) for BajiraoMastani, becoming the only Indian VFX house to have won the AFA award till date.
Equipped to handle complex Visual Effects and Animation at par with global standards, it’s no surprise that NY VFXWAALA is becoming the industry’s preferred choice for visionary Film makers. After a rich experience of creating extraordinary visuals, and providing services for post-production, VFX, animation and much more, NY VFXWAALA has ventured into Digital Intermediate as NY DI-WAALA.
The new venture is an important aspect for all the post-production needs and is providing the clients with all facilities under one roof. The team is glad to announce that the elaborate DI set-up consists of Base Light Technology and the Christie Projection system. Baselight helps professional colorists and other creative artists across the production process to add value and quality to productions with many new features whereas Christie projection with 5.1 sound specifications together makes the grading room one of the biggest sized DI theatres in India. NY DI-WAALA aims to provide the best quality services with well-versed experienced technicians and colorists. We are on a drive to make the stunning visuals of your imagination, a reality. With our cutting-edge technology and creatively fuelled technicians and artists, We are poised to become a front runner in the world of post-production.