The Tamil Nadu government on Friday allowed the limited functioning of some post-production work across the Tamil film industry. With the nationwide lockdown due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis lasting over a month, producers had sought certain relaxations from the government.
Tamil Nadu government has proposed the following:
For Editing, dubbing, sound designing/ mixing re-recording, and DI-maximum of 5 people can work.
For VFX/CGI – 10- 15 people can work.
Production houses need to apply for permission with details of workers who will be carrying out the work. Workers need to maintain social distancing, wear masks, and sanitize themselves.
The production house also needs to follow the rules put in place by the Central government for workplaces during COVID-19.
its Prasharay mandra i am a key artist in mpc Bangalore .
I have 8 years of experience .
As you know that everyone is facing this pandemic and we can’t go to office so i am one of them. But i can work from home i have high speed internet and machine to work on i can provide you 4 artist work in a day.
please contact me for any future