fantasy drama web television series created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for Netflix. It is based on the book series of the same name by Andrzej Sapkowski.
Program creator: Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
Executive producers: Sean Daniel, Tomasz Bagiński, Jarek Sawko, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
Directors: Alik Sakharov, Charlotte Brändström, Alex Garcia Lopez and Marc Jobst.
Release date: 20 December 2019 (Netflix)
Production VFX Supervisor is Julian Parry
Production VFX Producer is Gavin Round.
VFX Done By
Cinesite -VFX Supervisor: Alexander Pejic / One of Us -VFX Supervisor: Oliver Cubbage
Platige Image -VFX Supervisor: Matt Tokarz / Framestore -VFX Supervisor: Pedro Sabrosa
NVIZ -VFX Supervisor: James Fleming
VFX Shot Count for this project around 1750-2000 shot mark archived in a 6 months post period
Int this Work the most complicated to create the Kikimora, the aquatic arachnid, had an added complexity of living in a watery swamp. So the Kikimora wins.
Shot Location is Budapest Capital of Hungary and also Poland for the Elven Keep and the Canary Islands