The Wheel of Time is an American epic fantasy television series released through Amazon Prime Video. The series is based on Robert Jordan’s novel series of the same name and is produced by Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios, with Rafe Judkins serving as showrunner. In the show, magical woman Moraine leads five people on a journey in the belief that one of them is the reincarnation of the Dragon who will either save or destroy the world.
The first season, consisting of eight episodes, premiered on Prime Video on November 19, 2021, with the first three episodes released immediately and the remaining five on a weekly basis after that, culminating in the season finale on December 24, 2021. A second season was announced in May 2021.
Outpost VFX Supervisor, Roni Rodrigues, emphasises the role of environments within the 2021 adaptation of Robert Jordan’s 1990 fantasy novels, led by Overall VFX Supervisor Julian Parry and VFX Producer Jakub Chilczuk.