The Peripheral is an American science fiction streaming television series executive produced and created by Scott Smith. Produced by Amazon, it is loosely based on the 2014 book of the same name written by William Gibson. Westworld creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy serve as executive producers, along with Athena Wickham, Steve Hoban, and Vincenzo Natali. Set roughly a decade in the future, with some new technology that has changed society in subtle ways, a VR gamer is delivered a connection to an alternate reality, as well as a dark future of her own.
The series had its world premiere on October 11, 2022, at the Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, before its debut on October 21, 2022, on Amazon Prime Video.
VFX Done By BlueBolt
The Production VFX Supervisor is Jay Worth and the Production VFX Producer & Co-Supervisor is Mark Spatny.