The Man in the High Castle is an American dystopian alternate history web television series depicting a parallel universe where the Axis powers of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan rule the world after their victory in World War II.
It was created by Frank Spotnitz and is produced by Amazon Studios, Scott Free Productions, Headline Pictures, Electric Shepherd Productions, and Big Light Productions The series is based on Philip K. Dick’s 1962 novel of the same name.
Stormborn Studios Inc. is a Vancouver based visual effects studio focusing on complex sequences comprised of large scale hyperrealistic procedural simulations and dynamics.
Led by Visual Effects Supervisors Manuel Tausch and Goran Pavles, Stormborn has contributed to a wide variety of prestigious projects in the feature film, animated feature, TV series, commercials, game cinematics, and 3D projection mapping.
Some of the studio’s recent work includes live-action sequences for the season finales of Project Bluebook (The History Channel, season 2) and The Man In The High Castle (Amazon Prime, season 4).