Epic Games has announced that the Meerkat short film, recently created by visual effects powerhouse Weta Digital, showcases Unreal Engine’s new production-ready Hair and Fur system and is now available as a sample project. Users can download the entire scene and see firsthand exactly how it was created in the behind-the-scenes feature. The short film debuted as part of the Unreal Build: Virtual Production event last month.
When the Special Projects team at Weta Digital wanted to see how far they could push Unreal Engine’s new real-time hair and fur system, they created a stunning short film featuring a meerkat and an eagle. Find out how, using just off-the-shelf tools, they were able to create linear content of a quality that surprised even themselves. The scene and source files for this piece are now available as a free sample project for you to explore, learn from, and reuse. You can download