The King of Staten Island is a 2020 American comedy-drama film directed by Judd Apatow, from a screenplay by Apatow, Pete Davidson, and Dave Sirus. It stars Davidson, Marisa Tomei, Bill Burr, Bel Powley, Maude Apatow, and Steve Buscemi, and follows a young man who must get his life together after his mom starts dating a new man who, like his deceased father, is a firefighter.
The film was announced as Apatow’s next project in early 2019, with the cast joining that April. Filming took place around New York City in June and July. The film has been called a “semi-biographical” take on the life of Davidson, who lost his firefighter father during the September 11 attacks and has had his own battles with depression.
PXO VFX Supervisor: Bojan Zoric PXO VFX Producer: Celine Zoleta