Epic Games has announced that the Meerkat short film, recently created by visual effects powerhouse Weta Digital, showcases Unreal Engine’s new production-ready Hair and Fur system and is now available
Tag: Realtime Virtual Production
The digital Beckham was created by Digital Domain VFX Studios
LOS ANGELES – Digital Domain has revealed the secret to aging, discussing how they added decades to David Beckham’s face for the new Malaria Must Die –
Virtual Production Behind the scenes for Yoigo’s commercial “Pienso, luego actúo”
Virtual Production Behind the scenes for Yoigo’s commercial “Pienso, luego actúo” By Orca Studios The making of “Yoigo. Pienso, luego actúo.” Sharing a behind-the-scenes edit
Virtual Filmmaking
Virtual Production Editing Tools new features introduced: Chroma Keying, Matte Objects, and Physical Marker. The Research and Development department at Animationsinstitut of Filmakademie consists of
Digital Human for Virtual Production
Crafting the Ultimate Digital Human for Virtual Production | Unreal Engine Do real-time digital humans reach a level of realism that’s indistinguishable from the real
Realtime Virtual Production in Unreal Engine VFX Breakdown
Written and Directed by Asa Bailey Virtual Production Supervisor at OSF Virtual Production virtual production using the Unreal Engine (game engine) to create live compositing