One Piece (stylized in all caps) is a fantasy adventure television series developed by Matt Owens and Steven Maeda for Netflix. The series is a live-action adaptation of the manga series of the same name by Eiichiro Oda, who served as a major creative consultant on the show. It is produced by Kaji Productions and Shueisha, who also publishes the manga. The series stars an ensemble cast including Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Jacob Romero Gibson, and Taz Skylar as the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, centered around Godoy’s Captain Monkey D. Luffy.
The series premiered on August 31, 2023, and it received positive reviews from both critics and fans who praised the performances, writing, visual effects, and general fidelity to the source material. Several outlets have called it one of the best live-action adaptations of a manga or anime series, considering it a major improvement over Netflix’s previous attempts such as the negatively received Death Note and Cowboy Bebop. Two weeks after its premiere, Netflix renewed the series for a second season, which is in active development.