Space Force is an American comedy web television series. Created by Greg Daniels and Steve Carell, it centers on a group of people tasked with establishing the sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces,
the United States Space Force. It stars Carell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers and Tawny Newsome.
Behind the Scenes by Zoic Studios Zoic Studios
Space Force | Official Trailer
Space Force Production VFX Supervisor / Producer is Trent Smith.
Creators: Greg Daniels & Steve Carell
Release Date: May 29, 2020 (Netflix)
VFX did by:
Cadence Effects // Crafty Apes // Important Looking Pirates
Kronos Studios // Refuge VFX // Rotomaker // The Resistance // Tower 33 VFX // Weta Digital // Zoic Studios