Luis And The Aliens
Luis And The Aliens, is a animated-alien adventure film, co-directed and co-written by German brothers, Wolfgang & Christoph Lauenstein. The voice cast includes, Ian Coppinger, Callum Maloney, Paul Tylak, Dermot Magennis, Susie Power, Lucy Carolan, Eoin Daly, Aileen Mythen, Simon Toal, and Danna Davis.
In the film, a lonely young boy named Luis, is due to be sent to boarding school because of his neglectful father. However, things change when three quirky little aliens accidentally crash their spacecraft near his house. Young Louis, is afraid at first, but soon becomes friends with them. Apparently these crazy little aliens have been monitoring Earth’s Televisions shopping channels from outer space, and were so impressed with the products for sale, that they decided to come to Earth to do a little shopping. Luis, agrees to help the E.T’s in their quest, and in return they promise to save Luis from having to go to boarding school.
Luis And The Aliens, hits theaters in the UK on 24th August, 2018.
In Cinemas: 24th August, 2018 (UK)
Directors: Wolfgang Lauenstein, Christoph Lauenstein
Writers: Wolfgang Lauenstein, Christoph Lauenstein
Producers: Christine Parisse, Anders Mastrup, Emely Christians, Jean-Marie Musique
Cast: Ian Coppinger, Callum Maloney, Paul Tylak, Dermot Magennis, Susie Power, Lucy Carolan, Eoin Daly, Aileen Mythen, Simon Toal, Danna Davis
Production Co: Ulysses Filmproduktion, Fabrique d’Images, A. Film Production
Music: Martin Lignau, Ingmar Süberkrüb
Studio: Warner Bros. UK