Happy VFX Breakdown

Happy VFX Breakdown

TV Series Happy VFX Breakdown Done By  Axis VFX delivered 900 shots all together in 8 episodes for TV Series Happy

Axis VFX, working in tandem with Axis Studios three creative sites across the UK, collaborated with showrunners Brian Taylor and Patrick Macmanus. Across the creation of Happy TV Series  A CG character that plays a leading role throughout the season’s eight episodes. Axis was responsible for developing concepts, animation and final rendering, ensuring that Happy. Despite his cartoonish appearance, felt like a photoreal and believable addition to the show’s world. The effort, attention and screen time enjoyed by happy.  Around 100 shots per episode is unprecedented for a CG character on a television show.

The team also lead the production of three 20-second marketing spots and produced animation of Happy for a series of bespoke promos for the show as well as an AR app, which enables users to see the character appear in the real world via their smartphone screen.

Grant Hewlett, co-founder and VFX supervisor at axisVFX, 

comments: “It was an amazing challenge to work on a TV CG character that wasn’t just a one-episode cameo, but a lead protagonist in his own right. It’s almost unheard of, and indicative of just how much the television landscape is changing in a post-Netflix world. It was an amazing journey to feel out the character and be given so much trust in his artistic direction. axisVFX but 110% into every frame, and we couldn’t be prouder of what’s ended up on screen.”


Paul Schleicher, executive producer at axisVFX,

comments: “It’s amazing to be part of the growth in graphic novels being adapted into TV shows – The Walking Dead, Preacher, The Tick and so on. Happy! is a vibrant, gory, hilarious roller coaster of a TV show; it was a huge amount of fun to pitch the ever-positive character of Happy against the acerbic and nihilistic Nick Sax, and to develop what that meant in animation. The whole Axis Studios crew pitched in across London, Bristol, and Glasgow, using the individual expertise of each location in order to make this show the success that it is.”

HAPPY! Trailer Season 1 -2018 SyFy Series

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