Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers is a 2022 American live-action/animated adventure comedy film based on the characters Chip and Dale and a continuation of the 1989 animated TV series of the same name, excluding the duo’s previous filmography (including their shorts from 1943 to 1959). Directed by Akiva Schaffer and written by Dan Gregor and Doug Mand, the film stars John Mulaney and Andy Samberg as the voices of the titular pair, respectively, with KiKi Layne, Will Arnett, Eric Bana, Flula Borg, Dennis Haysbert, Keegan-Michael Key, Tress MacNeille, Tim Robinson, Seth Rogen and J.K. Simmons. Walt Disney Pictures co-produced the film in association with The Lonely Island (Schaffer and Samberg are two of the members of the company) and alongside producers David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman’s Mandeville Films.
The film takes place in an alternate world where fictional characters live alongside humans. It centers on Chip and Dale, thirty years after the cancellation of their show due to a falling out, coming back to reconcile their differences while they investigate the kidnapping of their friend and co-star Monterey Jack.
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers premiered in Hollywood on May 16, 2022, and was released in the United States on May 20, 2022, streaming on Disney+ as an original film. It received mostly positive reviews from critics with praise for its humor, voice acting, and meta-commentary. At the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards, the film won the award for Outstanding Television Movie, becoming the first feature film that premiered on a streaming service to do so.