Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget is a 2023 British stop-motion animated comedy film directed by Sam Fell, from a screenplay by Karey Kirkpatrick, John O’Farrell, and Rachel Tunnard, from an original story by Kirkpatrick and O’Farrell. A sequel to Chicken Run (2000), the film was produced by Aardman Animations and Netflix Animation. It stars the voices of Thandiwe Newton, Zachary Levi, Bella Ramsey, Romesh Ranganathan, David Bradley, Daniel Mays, Jane Horrocks, Imelda Staunton, Lynn Ferguson, Josie Sedgwick-Davies, Nick Mohammed, and Miranda Richardson.
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget had its world premiere at the 67th London Film Festival on 14 October 2023, and is scheduled to be released on 15 December 2023, by Netflix.
The VFX Done by:
Frontier VFX – VFX Supervisor: Martin Lipmann / VFX Producer: Cynthia Mourou
Aardman Animations – VFX Supervisor: Jon Biggins / VFX Producer: Kirstie Dean
Director – Sam Fell
Release Date – December 15, 2023 – Netflix