Boss Level is an upcoming American science fiction action film directed by Joe Carnahan and written by Carnahan and Chris and Eddie Borey, from a story by the Boreys. It stars Frank Grillo as a retired special forces soldier who tries to escape a never-ending time loop that results in his death. Mel Gibson, Naomi Watts, and Michelle Yeoh co-star.
The film was originally announced in 2012 as Continue and was developed by Carnahan at 20th Century Fox, but it did not move forward. Boss Level was formally announced in November 2017 and was produced by Carnahan, Grillo, Randall Emmett, and George Furla. Filming took place in Georgia from March to May 2018. The film was originally scheduled to be released by Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures on August 16, 2019, but was delayed. It is scheduled to be released on March 5, 2021, by Hulu.
VFX Done by Baked Studios -VFX Supervisor: George Loucas
Encore VFX -VFX Supervisor: Armen V. Kevorkian