Andor, also known as Star Wars: Andor, is an American science-fiction action-adventure limited series created by Tony Gilroy for the streaming service Disney+. It is the fourth live-action series in the Star Wars franchise, as well as a prequel to both the spin-off film Rogue One (2016) and the original Star Wars film (1977). The series follows thief-turned-Rebel spy Cassian Andor during the five years that lead to the events of the two aforementioned films.
Diego Luna reprises his role as Cassian Andor and also serves as an executive producer. The ensemble cast also includes Kyle Soller, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Stellan Skarsgård, Denise Gough, Genevieve O’Reilly, Faye Marsay, Varada Sethu, and Elizabeth Dulau, among others. Lucasfilm announced a series focused on Andor in November 2018, with Luna attached and Stephen Schiff hired as showrunner. Schiff was replaced by Rogue One co-writer Gilroy as creator and showrunner in April 2020. Filming began at the end of November 2020, with Gilroy unable to direct as planned due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Filming took place at Pinewood Studios in London and on location around the United Kingdom and wrapped by September 2021.
The first season of Andor premiered on Disney+ on September 21, 2022, with three episodes, with the rest of the season’s episodes being released weekly through November 23. It received critical acclaim from critics, who praised its writing, directing, performances, action sequences, musical score, and darker, more mature tone compared to previous Star Wars projects. A second season is currently being filmed in London. It will conclude the series and lead into the events of Rogue One
VFX Done by Scanline