Ahsoka is an upcoming American limited series developed by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni for Disney+. It is part of the Star Wars franchise and a spin-off from the series The Mandalorian, taking place in the same timeframe as that series and its other interconnected spin-offs after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983), while also serving as a continuation to the animated series Star Wars Rebels. The series follows Ahsoka Tano as she investigates an emerging threat to the galaxy following the fall of the Empire.
Rosario Dawson stars as Ahsoka Tano, reprising her role from The Mandalorian. The character was created for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars (voiced by Ashley Eckstein), and made her live-action debut in the second season of The Mandalorian. A spin-off series focused on the character was announced in December 2020, with Dawson reprising her role and Filoni set as writer after he co-created the character. Filming began in early May 2022, with multiple characters from Rebels revealed to be appearing. In April 2023, additional castings were revealed, highlighted by Lars Mikkelsen reprising his Rebels role of Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the series was confirmed to be continuing the story established in Rebels.
Ahsoka is scheduled to premiere on August 23, 2023, with two episodes. It will consist of eight episodes, and is scheduled to conclude on October 4.
VFX Done by
ILM // Hybride // Digital Domain // Ghost VFX
Image Engine // Important Looking Pirates
Lola VFX // Luma Pictures. // Rising Sun Pictures