“Testament: The Story of Moses” premiered on Netflix on March 27th and quickly became a sensation. In its first five days, the film garnered an impressive It also achieved the number-one spot in more than 45 countries during its first week of release.
Mojo FX, a well-known visual effects and post-production studio based in Istanbul, proudly presents its breakdown reel for the Netflix show “Testament: The Story of Moses”.
Our journey on this project began in May 2022 with pre-production meetings with the production company Karga 7 and continued with 12 weeks of shooting in Morocco, which started in January 2023.
Following our on-set VFX supervision and asset creation, after around 6 months of full-time 3D and compositing work, we have finalized more than 560 shots with cutting-edge technology and artistic ingenuity.
Since it is the story of Moses, many of his miracles, which are told in the Holy Books, had to be told and visualized. Mojo FX brought these miracles to life by using so many techniques and methods, such as;
- Full CG shots
- Simulations of fire, smoke, water, and crowds
- Animations of animals (locusts, frogs, snakes, lice) and creatures such as ghosts, etc.