Black Box is a 2020 American horror film directed by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr. and written by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr. and Stephen Herman. The film stars
Tag: VFX Legion
Black Christmas VFX Breakdown By VFX Legion
Black Christmas is a 2019 American slasher film, directed by Sophia Takal, and written by Takal and April Wolfe. Production Company: Blumhouse Productions VFX Done By VFX
Madam Secretary VFX Breakdown Reel By VFX Legion
Legion created 140+ challenging VFX for the show – taking Madam Secretary digitally where the film was unable to go. Our team is grateful to
VFX Legion VFX breakdown reel 2019
About VFX Legion VFX Legion has been producing visual effects for feature films, television and marketing since 2012
VFX Legion Breakdown Reel
VFX Legion has been producing visual effects for feature films, television and marketing since 2012. We use a distributed network of only very experienced visual